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It is not only unpretentious, but also excessively magnificent forms that may cause you embarrassment. In addition to psychological problems, a large bust may sometimes be a source of quite perceptible health problems. However, the situation is not hopeless.
The main reasons why women want to reduce their breasts are:
- large breasts are deformed after childbirth and lactation
- external age-related changes in the breast
- mammary glands hypertrophy
- mammary glands asymmetry
- load on the spine, stoop
- emotional problems associated with stiffness, increased attention, decreased self-esteem
- physical discomfort in daily life and sports
- difficulties with the choice of comfortable and beautiful underwear.
Choosing the right breast reduction method depends both on the cause of the large breasts, which may include hormonal disorders or obesity, and on the overall health of the woman. Therefore, women who are concerned about breast health should consult a doctor before making significant changes in their lifestyle.
Here are some natural ways to help reduce breast size without surgery
The chest is made up of three types of tissue:
- glandular - produces milk
- fatty - determines the size of the breast
- connective - holds the glandular and fatty tissues in place.
Since the breasts are mostly made up of adipose tissue or fat, the loss of body fat can reduce the size of a woman's breasts. So, a low-calorie, but very nutritious diet can indirectly help reduce breast tissue. Thus, your diet should be dominated by nutritious, low-calorie foods: fruits, vegetables, oily fish (such as salmon), lean meat, chicken. These foods can help you feel full while supporting healthy weight loss.
Ideally, consult a nutritionist who will prepare an effective diet for you. And although a decrease in overall weight will certainly lead to breast reduction, it is worth remembering that losing one kilogram will reduce the weight of the breast by about 20 grams. Therefore, waiting for the desired result will take quite a long time.
In case of pregnancy or lactation, it is necessary to consult a doctor about weight loss.
It is important to understand that physical exercises are not enough to reduce the size of the breast. Regular exercise will lead to weight loss provided that it is combined with a diet.
Women have poorly developed muscles in the chest area. It is for this reason that the pectoral muscles are difficult to influence. Special complexes for the shoulder girdle and upper back will help to solve the problem. Regular performance of these exercises will increase the tone of the muscles of the thoracic region and will gradually remove excess body fat from the mammary glands.
To tighten the bust and downsize it slightly you will need perseverance and some time.
The result of training can be made more noticeable if, along with diet and exercise, cosmetic products with a lifting effect are used. You can use both ready-made products and creams prepared at home. So, a marked lifting effect is provided by a mixture of a teaspoon of grape seed oil, two tablespoons of jojoba oil and a few drops of rose oil. Practice massage using this remedy twice a day, and you are sure to see a positive effect in a month.
Among folk remedies for breast reduction, applications of a decoction of poppy heads are considered effective. For a decoction, pour 50 g of crushed poppy heads into 0.5 liters of water. Boil the mixture for 20 minutes, cool, filter. Apply the tissue soaked in the resulting broth to the mammary glands. Carry out the procedure daily.
The right bra will, in turn, help to visually reduce the chest. Try to abandon open models, take a closer look at the tops. Such models do not «gather» the breasts in one place, but evenly distribute them, so that the breasts look less voluminous. There are additional benefits as well. With the breast in such bra model sticking out less and fitting more closely to the chest, you will feel less load on your back. On top of this, the wide straps of the top do not cut into the skin like thin ones.
For sports, it is better to choose special compression underwear. This will unload the back and make the chest visually smaller.
Breast reduction surgery is considered the most radical way to solve the problem. Surgical breast reduction is performed in cases of excess volume and weight of the mammary glands. Hypertrophy (excessive development of an organ) can be both congenital and acquired. In the first case, it is a matter of hereditary factors. In the second case, the issue is associated with a number of conditions and pathologies such as pregnancy, overweight, metabolic disorders in the body, and hormonal imbalance.
Surgical care is not available to everyone. In addition, there are a number of contraindications to such interventions. Those include diabetes mellitus and other endocrine disorders, blood pathologies, cardiovascular problems, neoplasms in the mammary glands, infectious diseases, etc.
In addition, surgical breast reduction bears a risk of complications. So, those who underwent reduction mammoplasty face the following complications: rough scars in up to 5% of cases, necrosis of the tissues of the areola and nipple accounting for about 3% of cases, suppuration/bleeding - less than 1%. The operation is not performed for those under the age of 18, as well as for young mothers who have stopped lactating less than a year ago. Experts categorically recommend against surgical breast reduction if a woman plans to have children in the future.
For some women, too large a bust is a problem indeed. However, it must be approached with reasonable caution. It should be remembered that surgical methods are always a risk, in addition, such correction may induce side effects and complications. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth trying natural methods of breast reduction, postponing the option of surgery as a last resort.