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  2. Investments into e-health. Partnership and cooperation

The medical information platform "MedElement" is a "cloud" service and reference system for doctors and medical organizations, medical students and everyone who cares about their health.

We work in the field of e-health. The platform "MedElement" has a number of popular services for doctors and patients (details about the project "MedElement").

E-healthcare rapidly develops all over the world. E-health technologies eliminate the distance between doctor and patient, significantly expand the possibilities for providing and receiving the medical care. Nowadays, e-health is one of the fast-evolving and most attractive areas for the investment in IT.

"MedElement" has the huge audience in CIS countries and the significant audience in the USA, Europe and other countries. The traffic of the platform is constantly growing and comprises several million unique users per month.

"MedElement" statistics

The experienced clinicians, professional team of programmers, as well as professionals and experts from other fields take part in the work on the "MedElement" project.

Our team possesses 20 years of experience in the development of information systems and management in the field of medicine. As a result, we create the most useful and convenient medical web services at the platform for both doctors and patients.

Partnership and investments

We invite health professionals and companies to partner in localization and promotion of services of the platform "MedElement" at new markets.

Contact us: office@medelement.com